Defining and using external functions#

cmath abs#

The external keyword provides a way of calling C functions defined in other libraries within Python code.

from test_external_functions of rbc/tests/heavydb/
1from rbc.external import external
2cmath_abs = external('int64 abs(int64)')
5def apply_abs(x):
6    return cmath_abs(x)
Example SQL Query
from test_external_functions of rbc/tests/heavydb/
1assert apply_abs(-3).execute() == 3

RBC already exposes a small set of C functions from the C stdlib. Check the API reference page for more details.

Using printf#

from test_external_functions of rbc/tests/heavydb/
1from rbc.externals.stdio import printf
4def power_2(x):
5    # This message will show in the heavydb logs
6    printf("input number: %d\n", x)
7    return x * x
Example SQL Query
from test_external_functions of rbc/tests/heavydb/
1assert power_2(3).execute() == 9